Milky Way above the observatory of La Palma
In July 2021 I flew to La Palma with @florian orth for 2 weeks. During this time I had a lot of plans, including this picture. The Milky Way above the large telescope domes of La Palma's observatory. I actually wanted to choose a different image section with more domes, but when I saw this stone path on the ascent, which fitted perfectly as a foreground, I wanted to include it and add myself.
Fortunately, we were also rewarded with perfect conditions on our first night! No wind, no Sahara dust and no clouds (which are very rare anyway) 😀
This picture is one of my best and will be for a long time!
Sony a7s astromodified
Samyang 35mm f1.4, set to f2.5 during shooting
Rollei c6i / Skywatcher Star adventurer Pro Pack
No filtering for this shot
21 panels for the sky with 4×30 seconds single shots each (2 minutes total)
27 panels for the foreground with 30 seconds exposure each
Stacked and calibrated with flats, darks and bias in Astropixelprocessor
Edited with Pixinsight and Photoshop