135mm 1/2 gigapixel panorama of the
Milky Way center over La Palma version 2 (2022)


This is my biggest success in astrophotography so far! Several months of various tests as well as different edits and settings have brought me to this result 🙂

My 135mm half-gigapixel panorama of La Palma version 2. The first version was far from good by today's standards and I knew there was a lot more in it.
It took me a long time to figure out how to stitch all the data of the sky into a perfect mosaic. Thanks to the help of @michael_ostaszewski I was able to stitch the sky together perfectly in Astropixelprocessor, which took 3 days of calculation time!

The processing of the sky was done in Pixinsight with many different adjustments in Photoshop, where I also blended the foreground.

The image consists of a total of 128 individual images.
104 for the sky and 24 for the foreground. It is my most detailed image to date with a total resolution of 570 megapixels!



Sony a7s astromodified


Samyang 135mm f2, set to f2.5 during shooting


Rollei c6i / Skywatcher Star adventurer Pro Pack


No filtering for this shot


104 panels for the sky with 6×30 seconds single exposures each (3 minutes total) Individual regions like the area around Rho Ophuichi have about 10 minutes exposure for more details!

24 panels for the foreground with 1min exposure each


Stacked and calibrated with flats, darks and bias in Astropixelprocessor

Edited with Pixinsight and Photoshop

