135mm panorama of the
Milky Way center over La Palma version 1 (2020)


I had had the idea of a 135mm panorama of the Milky Way in my head for some time. When I was on La Palma in 2020 during the Perseids meteor shower, together with Adrien Mauduit, we both wanted to try it, as Adrien had the same thing in mind!

We looked for a windless spot (which was more difficult than we thought) and started shooting. As we only found a corner with no wind, we had to share a tripod with tracking and take turns taking our shots. He started and after about 1 hour it was my turn.

It also took me about an hour, and shortly afterwards I took the foreground shots from the same position.

Then I tinkered a bit in Photoshop at home and it was finished. Version 2 of this project with more exposure time, more experience and a different image section is much better, but I'm still very happy with this image as it's still one of the only ones of its kind!



Sony a7s astromodified


Samyang 135mm f2, set to f2.5 during shooting


Rollei c6i / Skywatcher Star adventurer Pro Pack


No filtering for this shot


104 panels for the sky with 6×30 seconds single exposures each (3 minutes total) Individual regions like the area around Rho Ophuichi have about 10 minutes exposure for more details!

24 panels for the foreground with 1min exposure each


Images merged with ICE (Image Composite Editor)

Edited with Photoshop

